Quality & Control

Performing animal sacrifices (Qurbani / Zabiha) during religious occasions, such as Eid al-Adha, Hajj, etc. holds great significance in Islamic traditions. In Makkah, where the spiritual journey of millions of Muslims culminates, the practices of animal sacrifice are not only rooted in Islamic teachings but also uphold the principles of fair animal treatment and quality management.

Islamic Practices of Animal Sacrifice:

    1. Animal Selection: Islamic teachings emphasize selecting healthy animals that meet specific criteria, such as being free from disabilities or diseases.
    2. Humane Handling: Animals are to be treated with utmost care and respect during their entire journey, from transportation to the actual sacrifice.
    3. Sharpened Tools: Islamic guidelines require the use of sharp cutting tools to ensure a swift and painless sacrifice, minimizing distress to the animal.

Fair Animal Treatment:

    1. Animal Welfare: Animals designated for sacrifice should be provided with proper food, water, and shelter, ensuring their well-being leading up to the sacrificial act.
    2. Stress Reduction: Measures should be taken to minimize stress levels, such as reducing noise and commotion, during the period leading to the sacrifice.
    3. Ethical Slaughter: The act of sacrifice should be carried out swiftly and skillfully, following Islamic practices, to ensure minimal suffering for the animal.

Quality Management Perspective:

    1. Stringent Standards: In Makkah, quality management protocols are implemented to maintain the highest standards during the entire process of animal sacrifice.
    2. Hygiene and Sanitation: Facilities involved in the process, including slaughterhouses and meat processing units, adhere to strict hygiene practices to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the meat.
    3. Traceability and Documentation: Detailed records and traceability systems are in place to track each animal from the point of origin to the final distribution, ensuring accountability and quality control.

In Makkah, the practices of animal sacrifice during religious occasions are not only aligned with Islamic teachings but also reflect a commitment to fair animal treatment and quality management. Upholding these principles ensures that the sacrifices performed in this sacred city are carried out in a manner that respects both the religious significance of the act and the ethical treatment of animals involved. By adhering to these practices, we contribute to the preservation of Islamic values while also upholding the highest standards of quality management in the entire process of animal sacrifice.