Welcome to the FAQs page for Qurbani Haramain, a platform that allows people to perform Sadaqah Zabiha online, from anywhere in the globe, in the Holy city of Makkah. We understand that you may have questions. This page aims to provide you with answers to frequently asked questions related to our processes as well as the general act of Sadaqah, so let's dive in.

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Qurbani Haramain is a platform that allows people to perform Sadaqah Zabiha online, from anywhere in the globe, in the Holy city of Makkah. Our team distributes the meat among those in need in the city of Makkah.

Qurbani Haramain provides a simple and secure online platform that allows people to perform Sadaqah Zabiha from anywhere in the world. After the Qurbani is performed, our team oversees the entire distribution process.

The Qurbani Haramain team ensures that they perform the entire process in the most hygienic way possible.

Sadaqah Zabiha refers to the act of sacrificing an animal for the sake of Allah.Particularly during the Hajj season, it is a highly encouraged form of Sadaqah in Islam.

Sadaqah is an act of voluntary charity in Islam. It is a way of giving back to society and earning rewards from Allah. One can give Sadaqah in many forms, including money, food, clothing, and even a simple smile.

The act of giving Sadaqah is considered a virtuous act and is highly encouraged in Islam.

Sadaqah Jariyah is a type of ongoing charity that continues to benefit people long after the giver has passed away. Examples of Sadaqah Jariyah include building a mosque, digging a well, or establishing a school. The rewards for Sadaqah Jariyah continue to accumulate even after the giver has died. Sadaqah Jariyah is one of the best forms of Sadaqah.

In Islam, the acts of charity are Zakat and Sadaqah, which have different purposes and meanings.

Every able Muslim who meets certain conditions is obligated to pay Zakat, which is a form of charity calculated as 2.5% of their wealth and distributed to the poor and needy. Sadaqah can be given to any individual or cause and is not subject to any specific conditions.

Types of Sadaqah Jariyah

There are many types of Sadaqah Jariyah, including:

  1. Building a mosque or a school
  2. Digging a well or establishing a water project
  3. Planting trees or establishing a garden
  4. Publishing Islamic literature or printing the Quran
  5. Establishing an orphanage or sponsoring an orphan
  6. Supporting a needy family or providing them with financial assistance

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Yes, Qurbani Haramain allows people to perform Sadaqah Zabiha online, from anywhere in the world, in the Holy city of Makkah.

Qurbani Haramain offers the option to sacrifice a goat or a sheep, as well as a cow or a camel, for those who wish to perform Sadaqah Zabiha through their platform.

The Qurbani Haramain team sends images and videos of the entire process to the donating customer, providing them with proof that their Sadaqah has been performed and distributed among those in need in the city of Makkah.

The Qurbani Haramain team ensures proper distribution of the Sadaqah Zabiha among those in need in the city of Makkah, by overseeing the entire process. Locations to distribute meat can't be chosen by donors. However, it will be distributed among those in the Holy city of Makkah who need it the most.