Major Rules and Guidelines About Qurbani
The slaughter of the animal must follow Important Qurbani Rules And Guidelines in order for it to be considered a Qurbani.
Who is required to perform Qurbani? When do we make our offering? Are there any other considerations we should make?
Not to worry! We've compiled everything you need to know about this holy sacrifice.
Every year during the holy month of Dhul Hijjah, Muslims worldwide slaughter an animal - a goat, sheep, cow, or camel - to honor the Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for the cause of God. Giving Qurbani (a sacrifice) is a sacred act of worship that Allah (SWT) highly encourages.
Who Can Have Qurbani Performed?
According to the Hanafi school of consideration, Qurbani is for:
- Every rational Muslim over the age of puberty.
- Non-traveling individuals.
- Those who are eligible to pay Zakat are usually required to offer Qurbani.
- Additional wealth equal to (or greater than) the existing level of nisab (87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver).
Giving Qurbani is strongly recommended by most Muslims, and according to the Hanafi madhab, it is required for every sane adult Muslim who possesses riches over their requirements (i.e. who satisfies the nisab threshold).
When Is Qurbani Required?
According to Islamic standards, Qurbani should be performed between the 10th and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar. The timing is especially significant because Eid ul-Adha occurs across three days, and Qurbani should take place after the first day of Eid ul-Adha prayers. Therefore, this gives Muslims three days to complete their Qurbani perfectly. Even if an individual has participated in an animal sacrifice before these three days, they must do so again during the Eid ul-Adha celebrations for their Udhiya to be regarded as complete.
Which animals are acceptable for sacrifice?
The qualified animals must meet these conditions, such as their age for Qurbani and their looks, which include:
- Sheep/goats must be at least one year old (equal to one person's Qurbani).
- Cows/Buffalo must be at least two years old (for seven people's Qurbani).
- Camels must be at least five years old (enough for seven people's Qurbani).
Furthermore, all animals must be healthy and disease-free, which includes the following conditions:
- They cannot be overly thin or slender.
- They must not have a disabled leg that prevents them from walking.
- They must be able to walk themselves to the slaughter location.
- They must not be toothless or lacking more than half of their teeth.
- Neither must they be blind nor one-eyed.
Saying the Takbeer at the time of sacrifice is paramount to ensuring a successful and acceptable Qurbani. Bismillahi Allahu Akbar (in the name of Allah, Allah is Great) are the correct words to say at the time of Qurbani. It is not necessary to say these words aloud.
With Eid-ul-Adha approaching, Muslims performing Qurbani for the first time this year must complete it properly. Inshallah, Allah (SWT) grants us the opportunity to perform Hajj next year. May he see our sacrifice as proof of our faith and belief? Ameen!